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Dec 23, 2019

A Letter and Gift to our Community from Gravity Blankets CEO, Mike Grillo.

This year, for Gravity and our community of sleepers, there has been much to celebrate. Our mighty team of twelve launched a half dozen new products, aired our first television commercial, expanded our presence to the United Kingdom and Western Europe and hosted two more successful charity matching programs. 

Something I’m most proud of is the support we provided during Mental Health Awareness Month and World Mental Health Day. For the second year, we ran campaigns that have allowed us to donate thousands to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, bringing Gravity’s total donations to $70k for mental health charities since launch.

There have also been more somber moments occurring outside of our small weighted blanket bubble. Senseless shootings, devastating fires in California and a sense that finding common ground is impossible. 

When we take in the emotional heft of these moments, the hustle to sell a few extra blankets or pillows around Black Friday or CyberMonday becomes so insignificant. Of course, keeping things in perspective is extremely challenging when the pressure to succeed or at least *appear* to succeed follows us around the internet each day. 

Speaking from my personal experience and journey this year, practicing gratitude and gratefulness is one way to keep things in perspective. Asking yourself each day, “What am I grateful for today?” “What’s one thing (physical or not) that I have today that I didn’t have yesterday or the day before?” Sometimes, you’ll struggle to name even one thing. On other days, you’ll feel #blessed in ways you never could imagine. The balance of the two will likely be net-positive and take you to an overall happier place. 

For me, I’m grateful for the health of my family, for my friendships that feel like family, for the opportunity to lead a small but tremendously powerful company. 

And because we’re grateful for you, the Gravity Team is honored to share a small gift with you. For the next 24 hours, please feel free to download a free copy of our popular “Six Steps to Anxiety Management course, featuring wellness and anxiety coach, Amanda Huggins. It’s an easy 30 minutes of tips, tricks, and exercises to quell your stress and anxiety this winter. 

“Buy” it for free with the code GRAVITYXMAS and you’ll receive a download link shortly after purchase. Free to the first 500 people to redeem.

I’ll sign off with one of my favorite quotes from this year that a dear friend passed along during a time of personal strife for me. 

“What is meant for you will not pass you.” 

Much love to you and yours in 2020 and beyond. 



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