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Nov 20, 2023

How to Help a Dog with Anxiety: 13 Tips

How to Help a Dog with Anxiety: 13 Tips

It's not uncommon to see your dog occasionally shiver during a thunderstorm or act a bit clingy when you're about to leave the house. But when these behaviors become frequent, it could indicate that your dog has anxiety. Understanding the signs and common causes of anxiety in dogs is essential for effectively managing their condition and improving their quality of life.

The human-canine bond is strong, and just as people can suffer from anxiety, dogs are susceptible, too. We'll walk you through various ways to help your dog manage anxiety — from owner-initiated techniques to professional solutions. Whether it's separation anxiety, fear-induced stress or generalized anxiety, we offer you insights that are tried and true. Our goal is to help your dog live a more comfortable and happy life.

anxiety in dogs causes

What Causes Anxiety in Dogs?

Understanding what triggers anxiety in dogs is the first step in helping your pet become more comfortable and happy. Anxiety in dogs is common and can manifest in various ways, such as separation anxiety, fear and anxiety related to specific situations, or generalized anxiety. Let's look at some of the primary causes:

  • Fear and Phobias: Dogs can easily become anxious due to various fears. This could be fear of loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks, new or strange environments or even specific situations like visits to the vet’s office. Even seemingly harmless objects like a metal dog tag hitting their metal water dish could be a trigger. This can be easily solved with a silicone dog tag, but not all solutions are so simple. 
  • Separation Anxiety: Many dogs experience stress when left alone and separated from their families. This is known as separation anxiety. It can occur when you leave the house and, in extreme cases, even if you leave the room. This type of anxiety can also result from changes in routine or environment, and certain dogs may be genetically predisposed to it.
  • Age-Related Anxiety: Senior dogs may experience increased anxiety due to cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), similar to Alzheimer’s in humans. Symptoms could include confusion, and this confusion often leads to stress and anxiety.
  • Illness or Pain: Just like humans, dogs can experience anxiety when they are not feeling well. When a dog is not feeling well due to illness or a painful condition, their anxiety levels can spike. This is because the discomfort they're experiencing can make the world around them feel overwhelming or frightening.
  • Lack of Socialization: A dog may show signs of anxiety if not properly socialized. Socializing your canine friend from an early age can help alleviate this problem. If adopted later in life, gradual exposure to new experiences can also be beneficial.
  • Genetic Factors: Although anxiety can affect all breeds, genetics may play a role in how prone a dog is to anxiety. Some breeds are more predisposed to certain types of anxiety than others.
  • Environmental Changes: Dogs love routine. A sudden change, like moving to a new home, can trigger anxiety in dogs.
  • Owner’s Emotions: Your dog is highly attuned to your emotions. If you're stressed or anxious, chances are high that your dog will pick up on it.
  • Neglect and Confinement: A history of limited social contact can cause both fear-based and separation anxiety. This is especially true for dogs that have spent time in a shelter.
  • Boredom and Frustration: Lack of mental and physical stimulation can lead to anxiety. Make sure to provide your dog with enough exercise and interactive toys to keep them engaged.

Understanding these causes can help you better manage your dog's anxiety. By pinpointing the cause of the anxiety, you can take targeted steps to help your dog cope.

dog anxiety signs

Signs of Dog Anxiety: Do I Have an Anxious Dog?

Recognizing the signs of anxiety in dogs is the first step toward helping your canine companion lead a calmer life. Many dog owners might not even be aware that their pets are anxious until symptoms become noticeable. If you're concerned, here are some key signs your dog may be experiencing anxiety:

  • Excessive Barking or Howling: Particularly when you're not at home, frequent vocalization can be a sign of separation anxiety in dogs.
  • Panting and Pacing: Even when it's not hot outside, an anxious dog may display behaviors like panting and pacing back and forth.
  • Shivering or Trembling: Unexplained shivering could be your dog's way of showing fear or anxiety.
  • Destructive Behavior: Anxious dogs often turn to chewing furniture or digging as a way to cope with their stress.
  • Aggressive or Irritable Behavior: Growling or snapping can also be indicative of an anxious dog.
  • Physical Symptoms: Look for symptoms like dilated eyes, ears pulled back and a tucked tail, as these can signal anxiety in your dog.
  • Reduced Activity or Hiding: A sudden decrease in energy levels or finding your dog hiding in secluded areas can be signs of distress.

After identifying these symptoms, your next step should be to consult with a professional for diagnosis and treatment options tailored to your dog's specific needs.

dog with weighted blanket on back

Get Your Weighted Blanket for Dogs

Tips on How to Prevent and Treat Dog Anxiety

Managing anxiety in dogs requires dedication, understanding and sometimes professional intervention. It's crucial to identify the signs of anxiety in your pet and implement both preventive and treatment strategies. With the right approach, it's entirely possible to help your dog become a more relaxed and happier member of your family.

Owner-Initiated Techniques: Building Trust and Reducing Anxiety

1. Proper Socialization

The first step in tackling anxiety issues is to properly socialize your dog. Introducing them to new people, animals and places in a controlled environment can greatly help reduce their fear and anxiety. The goal is to help your dog become a well-adjusted member of both the canine and human communities. While some may argue that a dog's nature can't be changed, research and professional opinion often show that proper socialization can lead to a more balanced, less anxious dog. According to veterinarians and behavioral experts, early socialization between three to 14 weeks of age is especially impactful.

2. Obedience Training

Consider enrolling your dog in an obedience class led by a professional dog trainer. Teaching your dog basic commands isn't just about having a well-behaved pet — it can also provide a structure that is very comforting to your dog. Consistency in commands and rewards can help reduce behavioral issues related to anxiety. In other words, knowing what to expect helps your dog feel more secure, effectively lessening anxious behaviors. Some may believe that training is strictly for the dog's obedience, but it's a two-way street that also enables better communication between you and your dog.

3. Consistency in Routine

Dogs, much like humans, find comfort in routine. Try to stick to a regular schedule for meals, walks and bedtime. A predictable routine helps keep your dog calm by creating a familiar and secure environment. Even slight changes in routine can trigger anxiety in some dogs. While it's not always possible to keep everything the same — life happens, after all — maintaining a core routine can help alleviate stress. For example, if you normally walk your dog at 6 p.m. but occasionally have to do it at 7 p.m., that one-hour shift is generally less impactful than skipping the walk altogether.

4. Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning

Desensitization involves gradually exposing your dog to the source of their anxiety in a controlled environment. Along with that, counter-conditioning works by rewarding positive behavior to replace the fear response with a more desirable action, like sitting or focusing on the owner. It's a way to reframe your dog's perspective toward something they fear. It is important to note that this technique often requires time and patience and is most effective when guided by a professional dog trainer. The technique is backed by many veterinary behaviorists as an effective way to help dogs with anxiety issues.

5. Attention to Your Dog’s Behavior

Be keenly aware of how your dog acts when anxious. Signs may include panting, whimpering or pacing. Knowing these signs enables you to take immediate and effective action. If you're not sure what constitutes anxious behavior for your dog, a veterinarian can guide you on what to look for. For example, some dogs might bark excessively, while others may withdraw. By paying attention to your dog's specific anxiety signals, you're better equipped to intervene before the anxiety escalates.

tips to help dog anxiety

Working with Professionals: Veterinary and Behaviorist Solutions

6. Consult a Veterinarian

If your dog shows ongoing signs of distress, it's essential to consult a veterinarian for a thorough evaluation. The vet can identify the root causes of the anxiety, which may include underlying illnesses or other issues. While some might be hesitant about medical intervention, veterinarians provide tailored solutions based on each dog's specific needs. Understanding the underlying issues is crucial and often informs a broader treatment strategy that may include behavioral modification and lifestyle changes.

7. Veterinary Behaviorist Consultation

For dogs with complex anxiety issues, a consultation with a veterinary behaviorist can offer more in-depth insight into the possible causes and triggers for your dog's anxiety. They can recommend specialized treatment options that may not be readily apparent to the average pet owner. This specialized knowledge is particularly important for cases that are resistant to conventional training methods. Studies published in veterinary journals often cite the invaluable input of behaviorists in understanding and managing complex behavioral issues.

8. Professional Dog Trainer

Working with a professional dog trainer who specializes in anxiety issues can be transformative for your pet's quality of life. The trainer can create a program tailored to your dog's specific needs, using evidence-based techniques like positive reinforcement. In contrast to amateur or DIY training methods, which may not always be effective or even safe, professional trainers use strategies backed by scientific research to achieve lasting results. For example, the Association of Professional Dog Trainers emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement as a powerful and humane training method.

9. Medication

In some cases, medication may be the best course of action, as prescribed by your veterinarian. These anti-anxiety medications are most effective when used in conjunction with behavior modification strategies, not as a standalone solution. While some pet owners might argue that medication should be a last resort, it's essential to realize that for some dogs, pharmaceutical intervention can make the difference between a life of constant anxiety and one of relative peace. That being said, medication is usually recommended as part of a multi-faceted approach, combining pharmaceuticals with behavioral therapy for best results. Relying on medical intervention alone often does not yield great results. 

weighted blanket wrapped around dog

Tools and Accessories: Products That Help Calm Your Dog

10. Crate

A crate can act as a sanctuary for dogs, particularly those dealing with separation anxiety. Inside the crate, place comforting items like familiar and cozy doggie blankets or a favorite toy. This not only makes the space more inviting but also offers a sensory reminder of safety and security. While some argue that crates can confine a dog, when used correctly, they serve as a dedicated space where your dog can find solace.

11. Calming Dog Toys

Calming dog toys can serve a dual purpose: entertainment and emotional soothing. These toys encourage behaviors that help distract your furry friend from triggers that induce stress or anxiety. Whether it's a toy that mimics a heartbeat for comfort, a treat-dispensing puzzle for mental engagement or a slow-feeder toy designed to prolong mealtime and encourage relaxation, various types of toys aim for more than just physical activity — they offer mental stimulation as well. So, when choosing a toy, consider those designed to engage both the body and the mind for more effective anxiety management.

12. Anxiety Vests

Anxiety vests envelop your dog in a manner that applies gentle, constant pressure — much like swaddling an infant. This anxiety dog vest technique is backed by much anecdotal evidence and has been shown to be effective in calming nervous dogs. Although some skeptics question its effectiveness and more research is needed, countless testimonials support its usefulness in reducing anxiety in dogs.

gravity blankets dog vest

Try an Anxiety Dog Vest for Relief

13. Natural Therapies

There are many natural therapies worth considering. For instance, pheromone collars can offer additional avenues for managing anxiety. However, it's worth noting that natural therapies often work best when paired with other treatments. For example, you might combine a pheromone collar with a weighted blanket for dogs to maximize comfort and security.

Patience and Commitment: The Journey to a Calmer, Happier Dog

Treating and preventing your dog's anxiety requires both patience and commitment. This is not a one-size-fits-all issue. Every dog has their needs and responses to anxiety triggers. By understanding them, you're better equipped to find targeted and effective solutions.

Just as untreated anxiety can result in disruptive behavior and stress, dedicated management can open the door to a more peaceful existence for both your dog and you. That's why professional consultation — be it with a veterinarian for medication or a specialized trainer for behavior modification — is often a necessary step.

Remember — building a structured, reliable environment for your dog is a process, not a quick fix. Your unwavering commitment and patience are key to helping your canine companion manage their specific form of anxiety effectively. The rewards for your time and effort will be palpable — a noticeably calmer and happier dog.


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